Trip Ideas
Check here regularly for ways to use your GOrge Pass to learn about trip ideas, deals, and Gorge events.

Trip Idea: Pop into Portland to visit OMSI
Hop on the Columbia Gorge Express for a day of adventure and exploration.

- Take the 8:40am Columbia Gorge Express and get off at Gateway Transit Center
- At Gateway, purchase a one-day TriMet fare at the platform machines ($5) then take the 10am Max Green Line tram to NE 7th Ave stop
- Walk 1 minute to catch the Portland Street Car and ride South to the SE Water/OMSI stop (about 30 blocks)
- Play at OMSI for 3 hours (take a lunch or eat in their cafe)
- Leave OMSI at 1:40pm, walking back to the Portland Street Car stop of SE Water/OMSI
- Catch the street car and ride North to the Grand & Holladay stop
- Walk 2 blocks to Holladay and MLK to catch the Max Blue Line tram to the Gateway Transit Center
- Catch the 2:30pm Columbia Gorge Express back to the Gorge
Gorge Events
Use your GOrge Pass to attend events through Gorge without the parking hassles

- Hood River Farmers Market: Every Saturday, 9am-1pm, Hood River, OR
- Click here for a full list of Gorge Events to explore